Wednesday, June 22, 2011


The town of Mtwara acts as a gateway into Southern Tanzania for tourism and business alike. Access to and from Dar es Salaam is easy with frequent and regular flights and sailings. Mtwara is a laid back town and is spread out over a large area. To the north around Shangani are some good beaches, Shangani is where many of the more affluent people in Mtwara live. Towards the centre of town lies the main commercial area, here you can find the Post office, banks as well as some more expensive shops. The market is located towards the southern end of town.

There is a wide variety of bars at which to eat and drink. If you venture to the Finn club in Shangani you will likely bump into a number of 'ex-pats' who will be happy to tell you of the best places to go. More traditional bars such as Magomeni on the airport road offer freshly cooked food and cool drinks. From the beach in Shangani you can take a canoe or dhow ferry across the bay entrance to Msangankuu peninsula. Here you will find some wonderful beaches that have some good snorkelling and diving. To the north, past Shangani are the mangroves and coral flats which hold interesting rock pools and birdlife.

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